Post-Incorporation Corporate Services
Chettleburgh's have built up more than 50 years of experience in dealing with the post-incorporation needs of companies and have become specialists in the drafting and re-drafting of articles.
What Do We Offer?
Capital Restructuring
Enable the company share structure to benefit the shareholders through tax efficient dividend distribution.
Rights Issues
Raise new capital by offloading existing members additional shares in ratio to their existing holdings.
Adoption of New Articles
Replace outdated Articles and dispense with restrictive obsolete Memorandum clauses.
Change of Name / Swaps
Change a company's name or exchange name between two existing companies.
Capital Reduction
Reduce the issued capital where the capital is no longer required or relevant to tht ecompany's needs.
Amend business structure by adopting a new legal corporate structure ie. PLC to CIC
Purchase of Own Shares
A means by which a company can purchase issued shares from an existing memebr, ie. oto aid retirement from business.
Filling Out / Updating Company Registers
Completion and creation of Statutory Register where none exist are or lost.
Share for Share Exchanges
Group capital re-structuring
If these services may be of use, please get in touch